Ok I will just list them...
1.Our news will also be listed in the forums : dstemp.com/forums ,so check that out...
2.The homebrew update!
1. English Patch for POKEMON PLATINUM
Patch updated to V2.5!
Minor tweaks here and there. I can't even remember them all.
I padded he internal files. This allows for a smaller patch file. Also, it should allow for AR codes to work.
The GTS is fixed. Go trade some Pokemon.
Version 2 Updates:
The Pokemon Menu and all of it's contents are now in English. This means natures, attacks, abilities, names, and so forth.
The battle menu is now in English.
Most all of the battle text is in English now. I need to test it more, but it seems good.
You can buy honey now! The text is in japanese though.
Some more of the Pokedex has been modifed.
Okay, I've been playing with this during my free time the past couple of days.
First, this is a very rough patch. I don't know how to decrypt/decompress the text, so I can't modify the text directly. I simply attempted to copy and paste text bits from English DP directly into the Japanese PL game.
This means that if the text wasn't in D/P it WON'T show up in this patch. Ever.
New items will not be translated; they will appear blank with their name/description. They are still useable, however.
The goal of this project was to translate the moves, items, and Pokemon names. This has been done. Some menus, and some in-game dialogue has been translated as well, but this was something I just happened to come across. Don't expect me to do much more.
Again, let me say that some of the game dialogue is translated, but only basic things. NONE of the new Platinum exclusive text will be translated.
Expect some glitches.
The biggest glitches you may encounter is seeing nothing where text should be. This is most noticable with the new items. They appear in the item case, but lack a name or a description.
You'll notice the Option screen is only half finished. I just happened to translate that, but I cut some of it was mistakenly cut off. I don't feel the desire to dig through the game to relocate and repair this, so don't expect it to be fixed. I mean, how often do you view the options anyway?
Also, when you save a game you won't see the time/badges/ect. I may try to fix this later, but it's so minor that I'm not going to worry about it right now.
Important Note: In the wifi room, if you view the portion of your Trainer Case that contains a new item (name is blank) this will restart the game.
Patch v2.5.exe: http://www.megaupload.com/?d=7HRISBB8
Use the exe patch file to patch your game. Simply drag an original, unmodified ROM over the .exe and it will create a patched file for you.
Alternatively, you can use the xdelta file below.
Pokemon Platinum English Patch v2.5! (xdelta) <- This contains a few updates here and there, but most importantly it should enenable AR codes, and the GTS works!
xdelta patching program: http://code.google.com/p/xdelta/downloa ... .exe&can=2
Copy the patch, xdelta and your ROM to c:\
For windows users, goto Start and Click Run.
1 Type: CMD
2 Hit enter.
3 Type: cd ..
4 Press Enter
(Repeat 3 and 4 until you're at c:\)
Type: xdelta -d -s yourROMname.nds patchv2.5.pat patchedROMname.nds
Note. Use an untrimmed ROM. V2.5 Does not patch the game for you. This makes the patch file MUCH smaller.
I will soon upload a video of this on youtube, as soon as I find a program that can split videos well since my vid is too long for youtube (has to be less than 10minutes or something...)
Wii Backup Loader by Waninkoko has been leaked. With this new piece of hacking homebrew and Windows software, you're able to play backup copies of Wii ISO's without having to install a modchip in your Wii.
You will however, need to install the Homebrew Channel in order to do use this (which requires a legit copy of The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess). You can see a quick and simple list of instructions below on how to use the Wii Backup Loader
Be aware that as this homebrew is currently in beta stage, and has been leaked - not released; there are obvious risks involved with using it, and there are already known compatibility issues with games and even specific pieces of hardware. So it's more of a taste of what's to come.
CIOS Rev 5 (beta?)
DVDX ("for now")
Windows Executable Patcher, may work on Linux with Wine, or on Mac OS X with virtualization/bootcamp
Patched ISO
The Loader
WAD Manager
SD Card
Wii Remote
Twilight Princess
Twilight Hack Savegame
Homebrew Channel
Loader/cIOS/Patcher: http://rapidshare.com/files/146449970/w ... r.rar.html
DVDX: http://static.hackmii.com/dvdx.zip
WAD Manager: http://skhsarki.extra.hu/files/download ... ger121.zip
Twilight Hack: http://hbc.hackmii.com/dist/twilight-ha ... -beta1.zip
Homebrew Channel : http://hbc.hackmii.com/dist/the_homebre ... a_8.tar.gz
ImgBurn: http://download.imgburn.com/SetupImgBurn_2.4.2.0.exe
Here's a video on it: http://www.youtube.com/user/linkinworm1
How to do it:
Part One: Preparing the Loader
1. Configure your SD card for homebrew. Learn about some of the basic concepts and most used programs in using homebrew, such as the Twilight Hack and the Homebrew Channel. Learn more here.
2. Rename the dvd-backup.dol file to boot.dol and create a folder titled "Loader". Place the .dol in the folder. Find some graphic/xml files to fill in for now, or make your own.
3. Place the CIOS36_rev5-64-v1042.wad file in the wad directory of your SD card.
4. Place the backup loader files (boot.dol, icon.png, meta.xml) in the Loader folder, and put the Loader folder in the apps folder on your SD Card.
5. Place the DVDX installer in a folder titled "DVDX" (without quotes) and put that in the apps folder on your SD card.
6. Place the WAD manager folder in your apps folder on your SD card.
7. Boot the Homebrew channel.
Part Two: Wii Setup. Only do these steps ONCE.
1. Install cIOS via the WAD Manager.
2. Install DVDX. If you have the option to Uninstall on the menu, DO THAT FIRST.
3. Navigate in the menu to "ADVANCED". Press LEFT or RIGHT on the Wii remote until you get to IOS249. Install it.
Now you are ready to get some games and play them on your Wii.
Part Three: Getting and Playing games on Your Wii
1. Find an ISO and download it (DON'T ASK WHERE TO GET THEM HERE).
2. Patch the game ISO. Put the ISO in the same directory of the backup-creator with the common-key file, RIGHT CLICK the ISO, and select OPEN WITH. Find the backup creator and select it.
3. Wait for this process to be done, and then burn the newly created file to a DVD (recommendation: Verbatim DVD-R) using the free ImgBurn.
4. Put your disc in the Wii. Boot up your Wii and load the Backup Loader from the Homebrew Channel.
Note for NTSC (US/Japan) users: You MUST use component cables or a VGA box. The Standard Wii A/V cables seem to give the vsync/black and white issues with this beta.
Official Release in October?
DVDX not needed? (for "final" release)
Doesn't (yet?) work with GC Games?
Some things show up as Black and White only?
It seems so far that with HD cables or VGA, NTSC works. Without them, they do not.
Known Facts:
Can only read at 3x speed, resulting in longer load times.
More glitches for NTSC so far.
Can use out of region games.
Cannot use existing burnt backups, MUST use patcher first.
Scrubbed games WORK!!!!
Need to Know (Info Not Yet Obtained):
Game Patching (aka Manhunt 2 remove censors, SSBB textures)?
Works online?
Any questions will be answered :)